Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Ep. 3: Manufacturing featuring Tim Chase, program director at the Global Resilience Federation
The manufacturing sector faces targeted attacks on critical infrastructure, including supply chain attacks and industrial espionage, which can lead to production disruptions and intellectual property theft. In this episode, Tim Chase, Program Director at the Global Resilience Federation (GRF), shares threat trends he’s observed from his leadership of the manufacturing ISAC.
MFG-ISAC: https://www.mfgisac.org/
CPG Supply Chain Security Guides: https://www.mfgisac.org/cpg-supply-chain-security-guides
Global Resilience Federation: https://www.grf.org/
CyManII: https://cymanii.org/
Recorded Future 2022 Report: https://www.recordedfuture.com/2022-annual-report
KPMG industrial manufacturing technology insights report: https://advisory.kpmg.us/articles/2022/industrial-manufacturing-insights.html